Packing List

Here is a list of things you need to bring on camp:

Comfort and Safety:

  • Tents & sleeping gear for warm and dry shelter.
  • Seating – something to sit on during the evening gathering: a ground sheet, picnic blanket and a cushion or camp chairs. On previous camps, some people have found it helpful to bring seating for the Willum (village gathering space) and their own camp, so that they don’t need to carry it back and forth*. Large ground sheets or picnic blankets for communal use in the Willam are always appreciated. *make sure you collect it at the end of camp though! We have enough spares left over from past camps! 😉
  • Appropriate clothing for exploring nature, no matter what the weather. Sun hats and beanies, raincoats, rain pants, warm jumpers and bathers. Thermals are encouraged. Long pants and sturdy shoes (sneakers, runners, gumboots) for heading out into the bush, to protect feet and legs from some sharp grasses. Be prepared for clothing to get fairly messy! Extra shoes, clothes, socks, boots, in case things get wet. And, include a set of neutral or earth coloured clothes that can get muddy and dirty, for camouflage games.
  • LED torches & spare batteries.
  • Something to use as a blindfold.
  • A daypack for each villager, to carry spare clothing, sun and rain protection, healthy snacks and a water bottle on our wild adventures.
  • Face masks 
  • Spare RAT tests to test in the event you or your family develop covid-19 symptoms on camp
  • Hand sanitiser

Sustenance and Food Prep:

  • Food – dinner will be provided, please bring your own breakfasts, lunches and snacks. We suggest keeping these simple and raw, or reheatable. If you need a stove, please bring your own or share with other villagers. We encourage minimal packaging for the kids snacks where possible.  
  • Cooking equipment – for anything you want to heat or cook at your campsite.
  • Cool box for food storage. Instead of bags of ice, it is recommended that you freeze a couple of juice or milk bottles of water, as these tend to last longer, and do not cause a sopping mess in your esky when they inevitably melt.
  • Eating utensils – we will be sharing a delicious and nutritious one-pot village meal each evening, so bring a bowl and cutlery for each of you. You may like to bring a spare bowl and cutlery to leave near the Willum (gathering place), to save you carrying it back and forth to your campsite, for evening meals. Or bring a carry bag to store and carry your bowls and cutlery. Be sure to collect these at the end of camp and bring them home! 
  • A cup/mug for cuppas around camp and at the wellbeing space
  • Rubbish – please take your rubbish home. Village Camp will separate and bring out recycling, compost and rubbish that is generated from camp dinners and other camp activities, however, we don’t have capacity to manage waste generated from individual camps. So please consider how you will carry all your rubbish, compost and recycling out.

Optional extras:

  • Any produce or herbs to contribute to the kitchen
  • Old clothes or sheets to rip up and include in a whole village weaving activity
  • Musical instrument (bush friendly) if you have one, otherwise bring your voice/body percussion instruments along 😉
  • Any unfinished weaving or small bushcraft projects you have on the go 
  • Binoculars
  • Magnifying glass
  • Backpack friendly field guides
  • If as you are packing, you realise that your kids have suddenly shot up over summer and their boots, jacket, outdoor pants etc no longer fit them, (and you have space), we encourage you to bring the items along for a community clothes swap (adults clothes are very welcome too). Anything left at the end we will either keep as spare equipment or send to the op shop.

Remember: you are responsible for yourselves in the bush, so bring what you need to stay safe and comfortable.

What not to bring:

  • This is a drug and alcohol free, family friendly event. 
  • More green, less screen! Leave the electronic devices at home!